Well, if you count the five solos as well as the eleven tandems on today’s spin up our local Greenway, it was another record breaking ride; 27 Trekkers making the most of some autumn sun. And, undeterred by the closure of the Coffee Counter Café, we descended en-masse and totally filled Café 53 in the centre of Mirfield to overflowing. As is now settled, a ride without a café stop isn’t a ride! And Café 53 – you did us proud.
A warm welcome to four new riders this morning: Rach, Alison, Meg and Kayleigh. Girls – you were all superb and although Kayleigh’s home in Cambridge may mean she’s not a regular rider with us, we certainly hope to be seeing a lot more of the rest of you on future outings.
And finally, well done to Carla and Dave on their first non-track tour. Sorry your ride was cut short, Carla, but glad to have caught up with you at the café.

Sorry my bike let me down. But Dave really enjoyed it. Many thanks x