After missing two Saturdays in a row whilst sunning himself on the Costa del Withernsea, the Hon. Treasurer made a re-appearance to oversee 20 Trekkers and 10 tandems up and down the Greenway via the Flowerpot café. Everyone turned up on time and everyone was sorted with matching tandems in their own choice of colours (well as long as they chose blue…).
The ride was without issue apart from some awkward roadworks at the bottom of Church Lane which we avoided by judicious use of the pavement.
Hayley at the café had been forewarned we were coming but there was a charity bike-packing event running yesterday as well in aid of Overgateand so the Greenway and the café were both very busy but we didn’t have to wait too long to be served. See below for exciting queue picture. Obviously not quite as long as that for the lying in state of her late Majesty.

The return was equally uneventful and equally pleasant as the way out and everyone was safely returned to lock up at the end of another sunny, dry and cheerful Trekkers trip.