Anyone waking up in Yorkshire on early Saturday, 15th October, would have been forgiven for deciding to give tandemming a miss; we were getting close to stormy weather and rain! An Autumn day indeed.
Today I was paired, for the first time, with Muz and setting off from lock-up was an indication of what was in store. Where usually, the pilot says, “1,2,3 – Go” I expect a slow, gentle setting off – not today – this was having a rocket launcher at the back. As we were racing towards the greenway, we soon dumped all our responsibilities (walkie-talkie and ride pack) on a very speedy Kate and Alisa behind us. Kate relished this vital role, especially the walkie-talkie, which allowed her to natter with Martin. However, and it might have been “ENTIRELY accidental”, but she packed it deep in her hip bag (sorry Martin – I also am not sure what to make of that) – hihihihi. Good thing that Martin today with equally chatty Tim as when Muz and I did arrive at the cafe, we heard the roaring laughter from afar – yep; not a quiet bunch! Drew, I think, at the cafe, made a girlfriend who instantly clicked with him (a young Collie!), so they spend some time throwing leaves at each other – as you do – with excitable young pups!
On the final stretch Muz and I were caught up by Nicola on her solo bike and exchanged some jokes never to be repeated (I am being serious). Hihihihi
Once everyone was back at lock up, it became clear that Agnes and Jules really did have a bit of a workout and had been cycling with the back brake not releasing – I hope your trembling legs won’t result in too much muscle ache and seriously – well done both – as that sounded a bit aarrgghhh!
Finally, an important mention for “Dog Walker Extra-Ordinaire”: Isabel! Tessa must have had a marvellous time if her cute smile was anything to go by.
So overall, this rainy, blustery start to the day turned into another fun-filled ride with friends without rain but plenty of headwinds, so, unfortunately, no land speed records were broken!
Thanks, everyone – a fab morning indeed!