If ever a season merited the Beatles’ lyrics … “it’s been a long cold lonely winter …” then for many, the last few months would be prime candidates.
Of course, in normal times, our 2021 Ride Calendar would have started 3 weeks ago. But, you’ll need no reminding, these times are anything but normal.
Nevertheless, taking advantage of COVID concessions, available to outdoor disability sports, we got back on our bikes today, and in true Trekkers style 11 tandems and a solo breezed up our local Greenway. Breezed being more than appropriate terminology, given wind speeds in the mid to high teens.
Yes – we had to comply with our pandemic policy. Face masks at base, hands and bikes suitably gelled and disinfected and riders split into three spaced apart cohorts.
But despite the logistical adversities, including several late adjustments, it really was great to be back in the saddle.
Special recognition to Brittany for putting it all together. Never tell this girl something can’t be done. To Barney, for prepping all the bikes after their winter hibernation and sorting out a last minute mechanical. To Pilots Dave and James from Open Country who ensured no Stoker was turned away. To recently promoted John T who so capably led Cohort one…. “Best led ride ever!” quipped Jennifer, whilst looking at Paul.
And finally to everyone who rode and who made sure our return was such a brilliant success. Enjoy the pictures….