10 tandems, 2 solos and 13 degrees of winter sunshine, all joined forces to make today’s ride a fitting finale to a fantastic season.
Over 2024, Trekkers have run a total of 40 rides and track sessions; that’s more than any previous year. The average number of cyclists attending each outing was 15.78. And by a complete fluke, the total number of attendances (that’s adding together the number of riders per ride over the season) came to 631; exactly the same number as our previous record which was set in 2019.
Topping the pilot leader board this year was, once again, Drew. And the 2024 award for the most number of stoker appearances goes to …. wait for it …..Martin.
That said, it has been a real encouragement to see so many others join us Saturday after Saturday – week in and week out. In fact, although pilot shortage can be a reoccurring theme, I believe that the number of times stokers have actually had to step down this year is minimal.
Well folks, it’s now time to don the marigolds and get ready to clean and lube our machines next Saturday, before we finally shut our riding shop for 2024.