In the continued absence of any adults it was down to the Hon. Treasurer to do the complicated trailer fetching once again. This went without a hitch especially since the farmer was present and helped drag the pesky trailer from its hole.
Merrily driving along towards Brighouse it occurred to your correspondent that he had failed to bring the keys for storage with him so a quick detour back to Wibsey was required. Duh number 1.
Arriving at storage it was determined that the requirement for the ride in addition to your author’s Tiny tandem already in his van, was 2 large tandems, 1 medium and 2 small, which point was stressed many times over during loading.
Imagine therefore your author’s surprise when we arrived at Penistone to find that on the trailer were 1 small, 1 medium and 3 large! Someone had blundered! Duh number 2.
Luckily Tiny tandem is one size fits all so she was quickly re-formatted to fit a person of more diminutive stature such as Charles whilst yours truly and Muz took over the errant large.
A detour from the trail was required at Bullhouse Lane due to an issue with the bridge over the main road but this was accomplished without issue.
We had one unfortunate incident when Jules’ hand was very painfully caught between her bars and those ludicrous anti-motorbike gates that are situated on one of the minor road crossings.
She however being a proper trooper carried on with just a bit of first aid sticky tape once the initial shock had worn off.
Moral of that one is discretion is the better part of valour at these stupid things and don’t try to ride through. Other than that it was a sunny and dry day once again and the café did us proud as usual. Pictures below to prove it: