Manchester Velodrome – 26 Jan 25

Team Trekkers at the Velodrome

32 Trekkers, guests, friends, family and a guide dog pup, along with Mark, a volunteer BC Limitless coach, took over Manchester Velodrome for the afternoon.

By the end of the session, we’d used on constant rotation, 6 tandems and 2 solos to ensure that 11 pilots and 11 stokers had all been out and thoroughly enjoyed their time. All bar one of the stokers were new to velodrome riding and 3 of the pilots were also new to riding on the boards. 

Everyone, as ever, was amazed by the steepness of the boards in the corner, but all riders had their time riding up at the top and the exhilaration of diving into the corners with “free speed” gained from the gradients.

Loads of pictures have started to be shared – but we’ll also have some social media and video to post soon.

Note of thanks to all the drivers who managed the logistics of getting the whole team there, this in itself was a test for the organisers.

Thanks go to Lyndsey at Limitless for providing the session.

Special thanks to Mark, the BC Limitless coach, who was incredible in his flexibility and handling of such a variety of experience and performance levels. 
