There are two kinds of warmth in life.
The first is that provided by the sun. And there wasn’t much of that about at this morning’s annual maintenance session. The mercury struggled to get above zero. The second sort is that which flows from friendships and other close relationships. And this type of warmth was present in abundant measure at Trekker’s HQ.
Under the watchful eye of our Chief Grease Monkey, Barney, fourteen hardy members got stuck in, washing and oiling our fleet of seventeen tandems as well as sorting out a handful of necessary adjustments and tweaks. We also lubbed up four additional tandems, now earmarked for disposal.

With a background of festive music, copious quantities of light refreshments and the unmistakable scent of GT85, the camaraderie and laughter reminded me once again of the privilege it truly is to be a part of this amazing group of very special people…..even if the water did freeze as soon as it touched the bike frames.

Thanks to everyone who made the effort and to those who expressed a willingness to help out. A special mention to Katie who, despite her train getting cancelled, successfully navigated her way to join us.

And finally, thanks to our very own “Father Trekker”, who aged 85 demonstrated a youthful enthusiasm, test riding several tandems before they were hibernated away.