The key holder cycled down to storage to meet Martin, Jules and Tessa, followed by Judith and Nicola.
We had lost one potential new pilot, due to the dreaded lurgy that is currently doing the rounds, but were still expecting one other and two new stokers who all duly presented themselves at the track along with Keith (straight from a park run) and Graham Sowden who is now renamed Graham 1 due to us gaining a second Graham – see below:
Nicola’s other half gave Martin and Jules a lift to the track, and Nicola mentioned in passing that he had previously spoken of a desire to be a pilot too. Long story short, we now had two pilots to induct, along with two stokers.
New pilots were Chris, aka husband of Nicola, and Graham Drucas (henceforth Graham 2) who had brought his young lad along as moral support. (sorry, didn’t get his name… )
New stokers were Margaret and Ian.
A highly successful round of inductions were done with the usual Trekkers style and grace. All newbies seemed keen to return.
We rounded off with a slow race, which shockingly was won for once by yours truly, on his second go of the day, being stoked by Ian – I think – but I did two separate rides and I am not sure who stoked which….put that down to old age.
We look forward to seeing all our newbies on a ride soon.

“How did they get four on that tandem?”
Caption – wish I had gone to Spec Savers!