Tandem Trekkers is a West Yorkshire based tandem cycling club for blind and visually impaired riders
Leeds Road – 05 Mar 22
“It’s been a long, cold lonely winter. Little darling, It feels like years since it’s been here. Here comes the sun.”
George Harrison (The Beatles – 1969)
Indeed, the sun did come out this morning (though it was a bit chilly) and dusted away any remaining cobwebs of the last three non-cycling months. Three months, that for some, had felt more like a few years.
22 Trekkers, including new pilots Steve and Jenny and stokers Kristiana and Ikra, were welcomed into the TT family. And it was lovely to see lots of familiar faces too.
Thanks to everyone who took part. Hope to see many of you over the weeks and months that lie ahead.
Barney running through induction with new pilot Steve W. and old stoker Jules; obviously, Jules, old is meant in the sense of experienced! And, yes, Trekker’s membership is now officially closed to anyone called Steve.And here is our chief grease monkey, Barney, once again. This time giving a few tips to Jenny on how to ride a bicycle made for two. And there’s Jules once more.Judith and new stoker Ikra. Judith later sang “Happy birthday” in her native Dutch to Father Trekker, David J,who celebrated his 84th birthday earlier this week. Thanks for the cakes, David.Talking of birthdays, here is David J himself with Aisha about to board our Silver Dawes.Slow race – Take 01. Steve W and Steve D competing against Charles and Martin.Slow race – Take 02. Tim and Graham battling against Steve and Elisa.Slow race – Take 03. Winners of their leg, Steve and Steve now taking on Drew and Kristiana. I think Drew and Kristiana won – but no doubt a correction will be posted in the comments if I’m mistaken.Jenny and Martin.
One thought on “Leeds Road – 05 Mar 22”
This is absolutely fantastic, we have been at the derby velodrome paracycling session today, the next one is on 19th March 12-2 pm
This is absolutely fantastic, we have been at the derby velodrome paracycling session today, the next one is on 19th March 12-2 pm