Tandem Trekkers – Hull-Hornsea with Beech Holme
Awaking to heavy rain at some frightfully early hour there was a quick debate with potential riders about going or not going and the opinion was it was only raining on Drew so we should go.
Our new storage has a totally undercover loading area so despite the fact that the rain was following Drew it was not able to get him wet whilst he was loading 5 tandems. Yeah. 😊
Off the trailer went with the rain pursuing Drew as far as somewhere around Goole where it decided it had had enough and buggered off.
Arrival and unloading and meeting and greeting the Beech Home folk was undertaken in the dry, albeit under a grey sky. As the day progressed the sun did come out and stayed out for the duration. Yeah 2. 😊
The ride was the usual combination of cycle track tarmac and mud (boo) and quiet lanes with the odd busy bit in Hull to and from Beech Home HQ.
The usual splendid fish and chip dinner was very quickly served up by the staff at Whiteheads in Hornsea at the lunch stop (they’re in the top 10 F&C shops in the UK you know….)
Plenty energy for the return trip by a different route to last year.
All in all a great if long day. And a goodly 33 miles ridden.
At no point however will it be mentioned that someone’s stoker put the parking brake on during a stop and forgot to mention it to said pilot, rather asking “why aren’t we going?” for the first two failed attempts at forward motion…..Yeah 3. 😊
Drew (the wet one)