When asked, many Trekkers say that their favourite ride is the Gargrave Loop. So it was a little surprising that only 5 tandems were able to enjoy the undulating 24 miles that begin and end in the North Yorkshire village of Gargrave. But, then again, we are slap bang in the middle of holiday season, when other commitments traditionally loom large.
Nevertheless, for the 10 who ventured out, a brilliant ride on what is one of our more taxing routes.
Sustenance at the halfway point was available courtesy of Wigglesworth Community Centre, and start and finish facilities were provided by our good friends at JD Tandems, suppliers of over 90% of our entire fleet.
The quote of the day award goes to Muz. Climbing Nappa Bank, the most challenging day’s ascent, he sensed his tandem might be pipped to the crest by Mark and Graham. Full afterburner power was applied, startling his pilot. “Sorry” said Muz … “I couldn’t be beaten to the top. I have my reputation to protect.”
Well Muz, consider it protected!