“You’ll be unlucky to catch a shower”, affirmed Daniel Betts from the Met Office, on BBC Radio Four’s Saturday morning forecast. And thus assured, and particularly against a backdrop of two cancelled rides, nine tandems and two solos set off from a blustery Birkin Fisheries to ride the 18 mile Fairburn Loop. And though our luck ran out two thirds of the way around the circuit, the soaking was short lived. A combination of a strong breeze, and a bluer sky, ensured towels weren’t needed by the time we sat down for our bacon butties.
Great to see mother and daughter Lynda and Samantha on their first outing with Trekkers and thanks to James for being our back marker and to Stephen for towing our second trailer out to the fisheries and back.
After the short rain enforced hiatus, it was once again brilliant to be back in the saddle.