In the ongoing, and still continued absence of any adults, it was down to the Hon. Treasurer to do the complicated trailer fetching once again. This went without a hitch, especially since the farmer was present and helped drag the pesky trailer from its hole – (which was just as well as the Hon. Treasurer is, once again, suffering from a bad back).
Everyone’s favourite Grease Monkey had the key and very kindly rode down to storage to a) open up b) load the trailer and c) have another look at the sticking disc brake on Small Tandem 1 which had decided not to play ball. This time it has been taken away for a severe beating in a shed….
This was the first time in many a week that no small tandems were required – hopefully the pesky thing will be sorted before we need it again.
All loading was done and all stokers and pilots assembled other than those meeting at Birkin and the trip over was without issue apart from the sheer brightness of the sun making it hard to see the road at times.
Yes, we had managed to obtain yet another Tandem Trekkers Weather Exemption from the Boys at the Ministry of Weather and it was both extremely sunny and positively balmy and nearly wind free.
The route was undertaken without issues, and we added the extra little loop via Gateforth at the end as things were that loverly ….
Café seemed to have a problem with our orders all being for someone called “Steve”. This has been partially resolved by the decision to call at least once of them Gary or Gaz from henceforth…. you’d to have been there for this one!

All sounds marvellous hahahaha
fab weather, so glad we went out yesterday and not today! It was further than I thought but had a good ride all the same. Thanks to the pilots, trailer wrangler and tandem transporter;Drew, and other stokers. Sophie