It was a strange Marie-Celeste like sight that greeted team DrewJulMart when they arrived at storage – the doors were closed, the trailer was parked in the yard but of the ride leader and his car there was no sign. Luckily Drew had his keys and was able to get going with the loading of bikes.
Stevie B then resurfaced having gone home as he’d forgotten his keys for storage. (He still hasn’t found them….)
Anyway, all was well in the end and off we went to Springwood Carpark, Whalley.
The ride was undertaken without too much fuss apart from Bossy Michelle (her words) telling Jean she was riding up Grindleton Brow and not getting off. Seemed to work…..
Cafe was acquired in a state of no other customers (hurrah!); quite a few more cyclists came in after us but that was their problem.
There was a slight hiatus when two or three of us got no scran and had to issue a polite request to be fed or else….still it was a good cheese ‘n’ ham toasty when it did finally arrive…..
Route back to cars was pleasant and carefree. The day was dry with no wind and absolutely no blue sky anywhere at all, which is getting a bit tedious now. Do one clouds! Get in the sea!
Thanks to all pilots and chauffeurs and trailer towers and stokers for another great family outing.