The upcoming repair-enforced closure for six months of Aldwark Toll Bridge, a rickety old structure and home to a particularly nasty and mean-spirited troll, also called Aldwark, persuaded us to bring forward the first of our two planned rides which start and finish in the North Yorkshire market town of Boroughbridge.
And what a superb day it turned out to be. Seven tandems and a couple of solos enjoyed some lovely Easter sunshine.
A fantastic day, made all the more special, by seeing Cashel and Chris on their maiden Trek and being joined by Andy, Chris V and Mark, friends who haven’t been able to ride with us for a while.
Finally, if things come in threes, expect a broken chain next week. The new Lightening suffered a break last week and today, L2, ridden by Mark and Tariq suffered the same fate. Alas, the Ride Leader pack was already, as instructed, racing back to the start. But, thankfully, Lou’s Parktool splitter, a spare Magilink carried by Paul and a pilot willing to get his hands very dirty (Thanks Mark) combined to spare us a vehicular retrieval.