Unusually, the weather wasn’t as kind to us as of late. A wise decision to miss the climb up Grindleton Bank, and for the eight tandems to head straight to the cafe at The Green Jersey in Clitheroe, meant we weren’t quite as wet as might otherwise have been the case.
Sadly, the prize for the wittiest comment of the day must be carried forward to our next outing. That said, several disparaging remarks about it always raining in Lancashire were overhead. Names have been taken.
Most Trekkers clocked just shy of 20 miles today. I say most because for reasons best known to themselves, Charles and Keith decided to cycle there and back intending to pump the miles ridden north of three figures. Unfortunately for Charles, the 25% incline up Mytholm Steeps and the accompanying fall on the way out rendered a return by bike impractical. Managing to avoid a similar argument with the slippery cobbles, Keith was able to keep to Plan A.
The bottom line is it was yet another thoroughly enjoyable ride. Well done one and all.