Arriving at HQ this morning, there was a problem. A bundle of rather large roofing timbers was preventing access to both trailers. Not even, Drew, Stevie, Charles and Stephen D who had turned up to ferry tandems to the track would have been capable of solo riding two bikes apiece; though it would have been very interesting to watch. Thankfully, a fellow occupier of the estate was on hand, and brought a JCB equipped with forks to remove the aforementioned obstacle. So that was one problem solved.
Problem no 2 was rail enforced. Graham R, so keen to join us as a stoker, had his plans thwarted by a cancelled train. No surprises there. And then, Tariq advised that earlier in the week he’d managed to wedge himself between the train and the platform edge. Not recommended. Thankfully, nothing broke (except the train) and apart from scrapped shins and bruised thighs, he’s expected to make a full recovery.
Anyway, despite the above, 15 Trekkers including three new stokers and a pilot made the most of a bit of an overcast and chilly morning.
Slow race honours went to Stevie and Ed with father and daughter team Cashel and Chris coming a very close second.