Today saw a fabulous small gathering of passion, skills and enthusiasm at our monthly track session. We welcomed three new Pilots woohoo – Kate, Tom and Carl. All three underwent serious teasing, oops; sorry, no, testing to see if they had what it takes to be a Tandem Trekker Pilot, and we’re delighted to have given them their wings.
Today, Martin brought unique spectacles to allow the sighted members of the club to get an inkling of how our stokers might experience the world – very weird looking glasses – but they should be a staple for track sessions for new pilots. It really brings it home!
Equally newsworthy was Ikra today, who met her match in new pilot Tom and together became the “Speed Demons” of Leeds Road (the track!), going so fast they almost became a blur! At the same time, we could hear the gentle natterings of new Pilot Kate and Collette going round in circles with clearly a lot to talk about! And then there was Carl, full of enthusiasm and being shown the ropes by Martin.
We finished the main induction session on a high with the Slow Race (thanks, Keith for the idea), which was won by Tim and Martin, 2nd place by Colette and Kate (who came to a total standstill due to mechanical failure), a neat 3rd place for new pilot Carl and Tim’s daughter. 4th and last place went to Tom and Ikra, who failed to go slow, and just continued whizzing around the track with big smiles!
Finally, the dull stuff: weather was very crisp, layers were definitely needed, two tandems gave up and didn’t want to play out – picture attached for the serious bike mechanics, for everyone else, its a bit like a quiz “what’s wrong with this picture”; rear-wheel mechanics are not where they are supposed to be.
So to the newly inducted pilots… great job, welcome, and hope to see you all soon; thanks for a great morning!
Judith (aka Missy Red Boots)